Etsy Findings: Brooches

I've been wanting to find a good brooch for a while now. They seem to be quite trendy and there are TONS of cute ones out there! I don't have any now and I haven't really worn one before, so the first one I buy has to be a good one. Because if I don't like it then there goes that. I probably won't buy any others or wear any other ones. So this first one matters! Anyways here are some of the contenders I found off of Etsy!
All the illustrated brooches from Danadamki's Shop are so cute a clever! 

I'm a vinyl lover so this brooch would fit me perfectly. I only wish it was red to match my actual record player that I have. Everything from Stoic & Pariah's shop is so lovely. 

I really want to get this one just because I think it would make people say hello to my more. People aren't as friendly as they use to be. Quite Tiger shop is filled with fun stuff, especially their notebooks! 

Who doesn't love mix tapes?! Found in the Sconnie & Jam shop!

I'm not really a bird person, but I love the colors that these come in! It's colorful but can easily match anything. From the Studio Licious shop

I'm pretty sure this one is my favorite and probably the one I break down and buy. I love typewriters and my favorite color is green, so this was pretty much made for me! I love the Modern Girl Blitz shop! Its full of feminist funny and artsy love! 

See more of my findings HERE and THERE.

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