Anxiety Flowers.

Whenever my anxiety gets really bad I always do two things. 1- Draw flowers. I'm not sure why but I've always enjoyed drawing flowers and its something that came really easily to me. On all my notes for anything there are always flower doodles. Or sometimes when I just need to think though an idea, I'll default and draw some flowers to just try and process everything. Anyways a silly thing like flowers helps me deal with it a lot. Needless to say I've been drawing a lot of flowers. 

2-Play the ukulele. I love playing the ukulele because its challenging in a way the it takes my mind off of things and easy enough that I feel accomplished about myself. So playing or learning a new song is always really relaxing and calming. I'm finding that I really like to play in the mornings before work. Just a couple little songs before work to kinda get my anxiety back into check so I'm not a nervous wreck all the time. A few songs I'm learning lately are Remember by Missy Miller and Silly Things by Wild Child. I'm getting increasingly better at playing and more confident that I actually sing in front of people...well sometimes. 

Hope you all have a lovely weekend! What do you do to relieve stress and anxiety? 

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